

        The End Times Jesus Christ warned about are here now....

Deliverance Ministry


This subject is very sensitive and difficult to talk about, as most people including Christians do not want to admit that they have problems that are deeply ingrained within them that trouble them from the past.  Many people were abused as children and raised in very difficult circumstances, so gradually these things fester within the soul of the person and cause Soul/Spirit hurts that often trouble them throughout their lives. All of these dear ones have taken on the SPIRIT of REJECTION.

Often very sensitive people are drawn to the dear Lord Yeshua and want to progress in their walk with him, however it seems as if they are held back by an invisible ball and chain around their feet.

The enemy Satan will still try to seek to 'kill that which was lost'....John 10:10

Many who become Christians have some kind of ‘baggage’ that they bring along with them.  In our ministry we have often traced symptoms of ‘depression’ ‘guilt’ ‘suicidal thoughts’ ‘abandonment’ and many other negative emotions to members of the family, dabbling with the Occult, Witchcraft or Sorcery, within the family line; this can include freemasonry and other high control Cults & Sects. 

We as a Ministry teach our dear Brothers and Sisters to pray for others to be delivered from things that are deep within the person who is affected by the enemy's constant attacks. The main entry points for Demonic attack are REJECTION & TRAUMA and often the 2 go together.

David and Christine have had training in Deliverance Ministries with Ancient Paths (Colorado USA) Fruitful Vine Ministries (Melbourne Australia) and Restoring the Foundations in 2003 (With Chester & Betsy Kylstra USA)

      Chester & Betsy Kylstra                                                                                Minister Fitz Houston Amazing Prayer Videos 



When Dealing With Deep Emotional Problems,  We Invite The Holy Spirit To Deal With:

'Sins of the Fathers & Resulting Curses' 

'Ungodly Beliefs'

'Soul/Spirit Hurts'

'Demonic Oppression'

Although it would be best to go through these various subjects with a Christian who is trained in Deliverance Ministry, we have decided to put some of the important Ministry steps in this section.  You will notice that under each heading, that certain confessions are made and renouncing of long held problems that have beset so many Millions of people on this Earth.

So just go through each section carefully and allow the Lord to do his work


  1.  I confess the sin of my ancestors, my parents and my own sin of_____________________
  2. I choose to forgive and release them; for the sin and the consequences that are in my life (be specific)
  3. I now ask you to forgive me dear Lord, for this sin; for yielding to it and the resulting curses over my life. I now receive and accept your forgiveness.
  4. On the basis of your forgiveness, Lord I choose to forgive myself for any involvement in this sin.
  5. I renounce the sin and curses of__________________________and I break this power from my life and from the lives of my descendants, through the redemptive work and shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ on the Cross.
  6. I now receive the freedom from this sin and from any resulting curses affecting my life.  I now totally receive the love and blessing of the Lord Jesus Christ on my life right now.  


  1. I confess my sin (if appropriate and my ancestor’s sin of believing the lie that______________
  2. I forgive those who contributed to my forming this Un-Godly belief (Be Specific)
  3. I ask you Lord to forgive me for receiving this UGB and for living my life based upon it and for the way I have judged others because of it.  I receive your forgiveness
  4. On the basis of your forgiveness, Lord, I choose to forgive myself for believing this lie
  5. I now renounce and break my agreement with this UGB and I break my agreement with the power of darkness.  I cancel all agreements I may have made with the demons
  6. I choose to accept, believe and receive the Godly belief that I am__________________________


  1. I ask you Holy Spirit, to reveal the hurt in my life that YOU want to heal. (Listen and watch as He tells you or shows it to you)
  2. I choose to pour out my heart, to express my hurt and frustration, my pain, fear and anger. (Be honest with the Lord about how you really feel)
  3. Take care of any hindrances.  Such as (Unforgiveness, repentance, demonic influence and interference and so forth)
  4. Listen to the Holy Spirit and interact with Jesus Christ about your deep seated hurt
  5. I receive YOUR healing touch, then listen and watch as he brings HIS healing.  Allow the Holy Spirit and Jesus to time to Minister to you
  6. I break the agreement with any and all of the UGBs (lies) found within this hurt


  1. Include the following steps if not yet accomplished:
  2. I confess my sin of______________________and forgive all who have influenced me to sin
  3. I repent for giving place to the demons of________________
  4. I forgive myself for the pain and limitations I have allowed the demons to inflict upon me
  5. In the name of Jesus, I renounce and break all agreements with the demons (stronghold) of______________including all associated demons of______,_______(name any addiction to drugs, alcohol, sexual deviancy, lying, stealing, fraud, the occult, false religion and whatever the Holy Spirit brings to your mind)
  6. I take authority over the demons (strongman Matthew 12) of_____________and command you to leave me now based on the finished work through the shed blood of Christ on the cross 

We also need to break off any recent baggage and continually pray that we not be taken over by the Spirits of Lust, Addictions of any type, Vampire Spirit, Jezebel Spirit (Male or Female can have a domineering spirit), Ego Spirit (self importance like Satan had) and Subtle/Sly whispering's from the Demons telling us that we can do this or that, as we are 'Saved' and God still loves us. This is a lie and goes against all Biblical teaching. Every morning we need to seek the Lord to protect our minds and hearts from the enemies attacks. Ephesians 6 tells us we have a war against Heavenly Principalities and that we need to put on the complete suit of armour against the evil designs of the Demonic Strongmen.      


Bless you....David & Christine